Mergers & acquisitions experts, Nolan & Associates, rely on the Story On Purpose team to help them create sell-side M&A videos that streamline the sales process and deliver maximum value.

Nova Marketing chose Nolan & Associates, a boutique investment banking firm, to take the custom packaging business to market. Nolan & Associates trusted Story On Purpose to create a high-quality video that would tell the Nova story in conjunction with the CIM. In the same video shoot, a marketing video was produced for Nova to provide cover for why the video production team was there.
We met with the Nolan and Nova teams to develop messaging and a story board that would achieve dual goals. For Nolan, we needed to demonstrate the value, capabilities and expertise of the Nova facility and team to support their sale of the custom packaging firm. For Nova, the content would become a marketing tool to support their sales team.
Nolan & Associates secured a deal selling Nova Marketing to Crown Capital Investments.
The buyer only made one site visit with one person because they had such a good feel for the management team and the opportunity through the sell-side video.
“Nova adds a dynamic central US operation to our growing national warehousing, kitting and fulfillment network.” —Christopher Graham, CEO, Crown Capital Investments.
The previous owner, who sold Nova Marketing, highlighted the multiple layers of value in the video project.
“The video created by Story On Purpose helped a number of prospective buyers see the opportunity. This was an asset that was more than a sales tool for Nolan—we used it as a tool for our sales team. If the deal never happened we still had this marketing tool.”
- Gary Stifler, Former Owner, Nova Marketing
“The video created by Story on Purpose helped a number of prospective buyers see the opportunity. This was an asset that was more than a sales tool for Nolan—we used it as a tool for our sales team. If the deal never happened we still had this marketing tool.”